How To Submit A Sitemap To Google Using Google Webmaster Tools

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Google Webmaster Central: Tool OptionsImage by dannysullivan via FlickrGoogle Webmaster Tools helps you increase your site's visibility in Google Search.

It allows Google's spiders to crawl your pages and index your sitemap. Submitting a sitemap to crawl your content for errors.

Here is How To Submit A Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.

  1. Login to Google Webmaster Tools and login to Google using your Gmail account.

  2. Enter your Blog or Site address.

  3. Add your site URL into the textbox.

  4. Click the Add Site button.

  5. Verify your site by simply adding a meta tag or by uploading an HTML file to it .

  6. Click the verify button.

You should now have successfully submitted your site or blog sitemap to Google, using Google Webmaster Tools.

In a few days you should see some statistics like the 'Top Search Queries', Crawl Errors and Subscriber Stats in your Google Webmaster Tools dashboard.

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